So Happy this sweet thing happened again, I feel so thump-thump, Can’t breath and a little bit stomachache because so nervous look at his cute face, On this Independence day, My heart feel free too,.. In that Ceremony, I was standing up in the middle ceremony flag’s participants, and He was standing up in front of the participants because His class was the choir group in that ceremony,..

I can see him clearly, Finally this day happened where I can see him with satisfied feeling, I miss him so much, I didn’t want the ending of this day, I always want this moment, I miss this moment so much, when I see U look at to the sky curiously with ur big artlees eyes, U make me abracadabra again,.. Truly, I didn’t want looking away for other direction, but I also didn’t want U catch my eyes that staring at U, I’m so glad and a little moved emotionally when “Mengheningkan Cipta” song sung by The choir (U and ur friends), I took a bow my head, I thank GOD for this day, I’m very very happy and I cry subconsciously, I have been said to U that I Miss Him so much, don’t know  what should I do? This day so F*ckin’ Perfect

I don’t care if U didn’t look at me at all, This is enough make me Happy,.. Just Let me like this for a moment, Thank’s for that day GOD, I’m very grateful.


  1. siapa KIM??
    knp blog pacarna yg dkumpul???
    khan sya suruh buat sndiri.....

  2. pacarnya KIM itu saya bapak bagus


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