(January, 1st 2017)
Hey, This is my
first new page for this new year, Day 1, This is gonna be the one of my
resolution of this year, I try to write a diary again because I wanna watch my
self-improvement this year, I wanna do better this year,but at the first day of
this year I’m doing nothing, I mean more like routine and nothing special, I actually
still donno what is my resolution, I don’t find it all yet, just some of them.
Small start with writing back is a good start anyway. Today I wasn’t do that
much but I read and surfing on internet a lot Lol, read about psychology thingy
and allowed some personality quiz. I really like doing this in my leisure time,
discovery my self by answer some quizzes or test, so I could know my self
I really want to be
more determined and set the goal for my self this year, so hopefully I can do
something worthed this year and improve to be a better personality and spread
more positive things this year. So, let’s see my improvement during this year
x. Good night, Need to wake up early tomorrow because I need to drive for my
cousin to tabanan x .
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