What’s wrong with you? (your generation)

Attention! Please let me know about what do you think about this writing in the comment below after you read what’s on my thought, so I can improve my writing skill and share each other opinion about the topic, thank you :)

Hey, it’s been long no update, well life been so hard but i still love my life. Today I’m doing a reception thingy as trainee at somewhere hotel in Bali, of course it’s good that I got new experiences and some new friends. As a Trainee or a new comer, some people a.k.a the senior must be try to test us or something like prank us sometimes. Some people excited to meet you and some more excited to bully you. So that’s what I mean with “life been so hard”. 

My supervisor always tell me to become more having initiative in everything’s here, because I’m a uni student and the other still high school and college, so I need to be better then them and be more think about the future. Everytime I do something wrong, He will offend me with the “university” word, exp : Hey, You are a uni student,you shouldn’t do this, do that, hey, you are a university student you should thinking about the future, like far away. He told me that as a SPV : “Looking for your mistake is my job, so I would do a correction everytime”. Ok I understood. But I feel he’s being so sensitive to me, but I kinda just listen to him and don’t try to be a rebel girl.
One day he was mumbling looking at the other trainee : “oh poor him, why that boy act like a weak, no enthusiasm”, Then I asked him : What do you mean by that? He answer : I mean the kids in my generation is so passionate and competitive, like I want to be more than the other people, so that I always learning. Me : Ah, I see, Him : and You and your generation? What’s wrong with you? Me : I don’t know aye. What’s wrong with me?

I think there’s nothing wrong with me. Ya, It’s good to become passionate and competitive person, but after you said you are that kinda typical person and you asked me what’s wrong with me? I don’t think that I’m wrong, I just being my self when the society want us to be the same, I don’t want to be someone else, Yes you right when I need to be more competitive and aggressive in this era which everything really fast nowadays, but still I just want to be my self and enjoy the process. It’s hard to be your original self in this era, exp : every girl wanna be look like Kylie Jenner (sorry no offend), and everyone kinda confused with all society’s demands and they end up not enjoying their life, envy to other people life and can’t be their self anymore.

I might be will change but still, I will remember what is my purpose and what am i seeking for life? I don’t want anyone else influence my action because I’m the one that create my life. I wanna be patience and open minded, so I can more understand the people around me. I’m not talking as a representative of my generation because everyone has their way and ideology, I don't like judging someone else's life. That’s why my dad called me idealist girl. At the end i just want to say STOP blaming, complaining or judging to each other life. Life is brighter on this way sir.


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