What’s wrong with you? (your generation)

Attention! Please let me know about what do you think about this writing in the comment below after you read what’s on my thought, so I can improve my writing skill and share each other opinion about the topic, thank you :) Hey, it’s been long no update, well life been so hard but i still love my life. Today I’m doing a reception thingy as trainee at somewhere hotel in Bali, of course it’s good that I got new experiences and some new friends. As a Trainee or a new comer, some people a.k.a the senior must be try to test us or something like prank us sometimes. Some people excited to meet you and some more excited to bully you. So that’s what I mean with “life been so hard”. My supervisor always tell me to become more having initiative in everything’s here, because I’m a uni student and the other still high school and college, so I need to be better then them and be more think about the future. Everytime I do something wrong, He will offend me with the “university...